
Questões por página:
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Choose the alternative that has a FALSE COGNATE.
Observe a tabela, a seguir, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a única palavra que não pode ser considerada um cognato.
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A palavra “actually” é considerada um falso cognato. Asinale, dentre as alternativas, a única que pode realmente ser considerada um cognato.
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In the text given, the word “realize” is considered a false cognate. All the following words are false cognates as well, except:

Texto IV

I did not realize until just now that you are actually in a lot of pain. I pretend to take you to the hospital for exams immediately. I promise to assist you in any way possible. I’ll be waiting for you in the cafeteria.

All of the words in bold are false cognates. The word that is used INCORRECTLY in the sentences above is