BNDES - 2011 - Edital Nº. 02/2011
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A palavra do Texto I destacada em “[...] faz menção à tempestade que, segundo os cronistas reais, [...]” (L.13-14) pertence à mesma classe da que se destaca em:

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A sentença em que o verbo está corretamente flexionado de acordo com a norma-padrão, sem provocar contradição de significado, é:

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In “You have to climb out the same way you climbed in: with new rituals” (lines 58-59) the modal that substitutes ‘have to’ without a change in meaning is
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The author ends the text in a tone of
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“I’m prone to be so busy […] that, without intervention, I would get very little of importance done.” (lines 15-18) illustrates that the author