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O segundo e terceiro parágrafos destacam, de forma explícita, a importância de os currículos de língua inglesa na Educação Básica incluírem questões relativas
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In the excerpt from the second paragraph “we not only learn a great deal about the conventions of the language, but can also begin to glimpse the beliefs and values that underlie the discourse”, the correlative conjunctions “not only...but also” carry the idea of
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The content in the text leads to a broader notion of the concept of “literacy” and, as for foreign or second language teachers, it means that they should
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The first sentence in the text is rich in the use of modalization. Note the fragment “shifting assumptions of what can and cannot be said, what might be considered ambiguous, what should be explicit and what ought to remain tacit, and so on.”
It is correct to state that, in the context given,
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O aprendiz brasileiro, por influência de sua língua materna, tende a erroneamente acrescentar uma vogal a palavras em Língua Inglesa que terminam em grupo consonantal. Dessa forma, adiciona uma nova sílaba à palavra, possivelmente dificultando a compreensão. Assinale a alternativa correta contendo uma palavra que ilustraria tal fenômeno.