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Questões por página:
Do Direito à Educação, à Cultura, ao Esporte e ao Lazer, previsto no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Sobre Listening and speaking strategies, correlacione os conceitos com suas respectivas descrições e em seguida, marque a alternativa correta.
1. Mix-and-match. 2. Listen-retell. 3. Fan n’ pick.
( ) It is a straightforward strategy that assesses student comprehension while working to develop learners' listening and speaking skills. For this exercise, students work in pairs. Facilitator gives each pair a prompt that is relevant to a topic being studied. ( ) It is a Kagan cooperative strategy that can be used to activate background knowledge, facilitate discussion on a topic or review a concept. ( ) Encourages students to interact with one another in a guided format and allows for movement within the classroom. This exercise works well across all content areas.
Assinale a alternativa que não corresponde a uma boa técnica para desenvolver o listening.
Sobre writing strategies, analise as analise as assertivas a seguir e assinale (T) para a true e (F) para false.
( ) Listing questions the writer has about an expository topic. ( ) Listing opinions from many perspectives for an argumentative piece. ( ) Using a plot diagram to outline a narrative.
Acerca do tema Literature in English Class, assinale a alternativa incorreta.