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The options below could replace the highlighted word “huge” (l.24) with no significative changes in meaning, EXCEPT for:
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The words in bold “thanked” (l.14), “dropped” (l.14), “ignored” (l.19), and “carried” (l.19) are all simple past regular verbs, but each one of them follows a different spelling rule. Which alternative shows simple past regular verbs that follow the same rules, respectively?
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Mark the alternative that fills in, correctly and respectively, the gaps in lines 2 and 4 with superlative structures and prepositions.
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Which of the following questions is NOT answered by the text?
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Analyze the following statements about the text and mark T, if true, or F, if false.
( ) Mitchel and Bonnie traveled to the concert with a friend who had a truck.
( ) The police thought the teenagers had planned not to return home.
( ) Bonnie’s family went out after the couple the day after Camp Wel-Met staff called.
( ) An expert says their case is difficult to solve because it is hard to confirm the order of events.
The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is: